It's Getting Cold Out There

October 12, 2012

Got home from a rough day at work, visited a bit with my wife and daughter, and jumped on the bike to try to get an hour ride in before dark. Since time is of the essence, there's no easy way to get to the W&OD trail in a short amount of time, so I rode to it. (Such a sacrifice, I know.) Had a mother dropping her son off pass me, and then immediately stop to let him out. Not very thoughtful now was that? I rode around her, making her feel a bit guilty about it, since I came to a complete stop in full view of her rear-view mirror, me clad in my safety yellow jersey and front head light blinking. Rode a couple laps from the Rt. 7 overpass to Lee Highway to get some time into the ride, and then headed on home. Had to cross Lee Highway almost in the dark. One of the cooler things about cycling on the trail; the little amenities... Air wants to be Free!

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