Why I Ride
November 04, 2015
Ryan Newill wrote this wonder piece for Velo News titled "
Suffer No More". Go read it.
Is it truly "suffering" to be on a bike ever? I agree; even though I spent hours and days on a bike "training," at no time was I truly "suffering" like those who have no food to eat, or who are being oppressed by their governments in slave camps, or locked away for committing no crime. And given that I'm now getting to the bottom of the climb where I'll start to regain just basic function of my right leg, I'll be forever grateful that I can get on a bike and I can go the places it takes me and I can spend time with my friends and I can coffeeneur. All that "suffering" is really just training, or just making the fun easier.
So the rest of this is a Picture essay on "Why I Ride"
I ride... for the feeling of accomplishment -- My first 100 mile ride:
I ride... To honor those that served.
I ride... To remember where I've been.
I ride... Because I want to find what's ahead.
I ride... So I can be around when she needs me.
I ride... Because 100 Pounds is heavy.
I ride... Because Blueberry Soup is Delicious.
I ride... Because nothing is faster than a cyclist with a tailwind being chased by a nor' easter.
I ride... Because it's cheaper than commuting by car.
I ride... For the aloneness of climbing a mountain in the fog, just you, your bike, and your breathing.
I ride... For the friendships, and the discussions, and the people.
I ride... As someone once said, Make No Small Plans.
I ride... For all the wonderful places you didn't know you'd find.
Also... I ride... For the Coffee.
And...Because you never know who you'll inspire:
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